was a fair amount of prepublication hype for this book which helped
and hindered my reading. Being a debut novel I was prepared to
dismiss a few annoying elements but some hype led me to expect things
that did not develop. For instance the pr about star-crossed lovers
was overdone. The lovers, Celia and Marco aren't very fleshed out
with clear personalities and therefore, as a reader, I wasn't much
invested in them. Plus the love story doesn't even start until over
half of the novel has transpired. The introduction of Bailey, a farm
boy who loves the circus, changed the whole feel of the book for me
and I was by then tuning out my environs to sink into the story.
Bailey, along with the twins Widget and Poppet, born in the circus to
the animal trainers, and the circus itself are the real personalities
that I cared about. The circus appears to be a living breathing
entity with a personality and all the performers are integral to the
life of the circus.
would call this an ethereal, Gregory Maguire type fantasy novel. It
even has a mysterious clock like Maguire's Wicked,
characters who never age, people who aren't who they seem to be,
mystery, and magic. While Celia and Marco seem flat there are a
multitude of other interesting characters such as Isobel the fortune
teller, Tsukiko the tattooed contortionist, Barris the architect, and
Freidrick the clock maker.
Will Be Exsanguinated,” how could you not like a book with lines
like that? This book is rich in interesting language and the
well-turned sentence. Some members of book group were put off by the
construction of the novel since the chapters are not chronological
and the perspective shifts. I have to admit it did make it a bit
difficult and I had to flip back once in a while but I even liked
that aspect. If one tries reading this novel via an e-reader the
flipping may be annoyingly cumbersome. There is a lot going on and
many characters.
Cirque des Reves/The Night Circus is conceived at one of the much
coveted culinary delightful “Midnight Dinners” of Chandresh
LeFevre. Lefevre presents his plans to those who become the designers
and collaborators; Friedrick Theissen the clock maker, Scottish
sisters Tara and Lainie Burgess business consultants, Mme Padva the
costume designer, and Ethan Barris the architect. Lefevre envisions a
different kind of circus than one of elephants and clowns. He wants a
magical show of enchantments and beauty. So begins this adventure.
Bowen (Prospero the Enchanter) and Mr. A.H. (Alexander) are centuries
old magicians who groom and then place two of their pupils in a
“game” for which the players will need to figure out the rules
and who their opponent is on their own. Both of the budding young
magicians become involved with The Night Circus and the circus
becomes the venue for their game. Celia becomes an illusionist in the
circus and Marco becomes the personal assistant to Chandresh the
owner/designer. The circus is a work of art and beauty all its own.
The Night Circus travels the world, seems to appear magically,
opening at dusk, closing at dawn, and the enchanted visitors while
becoming enamored of the circus never suspect that they witness real
magic. There are many mysterious and wonderful sights in the circus
such as The Ice Garden, The Tree of Wishes, The Stargazer, living
statues, the Cloud Maze, and of course the wonderful clock.
many sub-plots to keep track of too! Celia and Marco know they are
players in a game but they don't know the rules or how to determine
who wins so they become collaborators in the circus and fall in love.
A farm boy who wants to leave home for college or adventure but whose
father expects him to take over the family farm becomes friends with
Poppet and Widget, twin performers in the circus. Reveurs, like
modern day groupies follow the Night Circus all over the world and
dress in black with red scarves. Those associated with the circus
become aware that they no longer age. Mr. Barris falls in love with
the Scottish sisters. Isobel is in love with Marco but he does not
love her back. Oh my and that isn't all!
it, loved the adventure, even loved the non-linear plot and the many
thing I didn't love. In the beginning and at the breaks between
chapters there is a constellation. I, nor any one at book group could
find out what it is! Annoying.
– there is no dedication page. I like those usually and missed it.